
Our ongoing commitment to delivering high quality research services…

We are delighted to say we have recently passed our latest research services quality audit – confirming our accreditation to the international standard for market, opinion and social research, including insights and data analytics (ISO 20252:2019) for another year.

Having been accredited to this standard (or earlier equivalent) since 1988, it demonstrates Beaufort’s long term investment in quality. It ensures we have a quality management system in place that helps us deliver research of the highest quality to clients and focuses us on continual improvement.

The quality standard sets out guidance and requirements relating to the way in which market research studies are planned, carried out, supervised, and reported to clients commissioning such projects. It encourages consistency and transparency in the way surveys are carried out, and provides confidence in their results and us as a provider.

ISO 20252 requires senior management to be responsible for quality of client service, and the development and continual improvement of the system. Other issues covered by this standard are requirements for confidentiality of research, project documentation, training, and outsourcing.

ISO – ISO 20252 tackles market research with confidence