Looking overseas for areas for improvement

                Part of the UK IPO’s efforts to be the best IP office in the world are reflected by its global outlook and activities. It works with overseas IP offices in a range of different ways to create a better IP environment for UK companies. With its desire … Continued

Renewing democratic engagement in Wales

                      In July 2018, the then First Minister announced the Welsh Government’s legislative programme for the next 12 months. It included provisions for extending the voting franchise for local government elections to 16 and 17 year olds and citizens of all countries living in Wales … Continued

Informing a Public Health Wales obesity prevention programme

  Public Health Wales has identified 10 Steps which impact upon whether a child is a healthy weight when they reach the age of five and developed a programme of work (10 Steps to a Healthy Weight) to improve the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of parents, carers and grandparents in relation to the 10 Steps. … Continued

The largest UK survey of young people and sport

        Beaufort have been responsible for many self-completion surveys conducted on behalf of Sport Wales, including the 2018 School and Further Education Sport Surveys. These surveys provide a rich insight into the participation levels, behaviours and attitudes of children aged 7 to 16 and provide accurate information on the state of PE provision … Continued

Helping the client to track awareness over time

          The Children’s Commissioner for Wales champions the rights of children and young people in Wales, and the post is currently held by Sally Holland. The role of the Commissioner is to support, listen to and advise children and young people of their rights, influence Government and other organisations to consider … Continued

Guiding client thinking on campaign choice

        International comparisons show that UK lung cancer survival is poor, with Wales ranked worst in the UK. Wales is committed to improving the outcomes of patients diagnosed with lung cancer. A key element is to ensure that more patients are diagnosed at an early stage. Activities to increase awareness of lung … Continued